My Ass! Part Two By Jessae Rosae HD
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There are 234 comments on the topic:"My Ass! Part Two By Jessae Rosae"
(What @ USA 2 years ago): Mofo has chicken pox
(not a cop @ USA 2 years ago): She's gonna look like a full blown crack head in no time.
(Well did it? @ USA 2 years ago): Did that after cum regret set in yet?
(stfu @ United Kingdom 2 years ago): she’s even playing with her tits, this is role play all you gay as pussys down in the comments. stfu
(... @ USA 2 years ago): To everyone getting offended and thinking it's "real r**e," it's staged. Grow up.
(69rem @ USA 2 years ago): I always giggle at the comments about SA, like homie you got off to this vid. too. You came to the ‘f*rcibly fcked’ category. & you’re commenting?! Just say you have fap remorse.
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): You guys don’t actually think this is real like relax with the r a p’e talk
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Nah man… this isn’t it
(Gay bitch @ USA 2 years ago): This is r @ pebasically
(This dude is gay. @ USA 2 years ago): This dudes gay as fuck. Also looks like rap.e
(Gross @ USA 2 years ago): That shi t looks like he has Bed Bugs, fuckin nasty
(Girl @ USA 2 years ago): Obviously she wants it. She calls him daddy and throws herself back on his bbc. Relax it’s role play DUHH
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Harder don't stop till you find the peanut butter inside that's the Best ass
(Bruh @ USA 2 years ago): Y'all are literally stupid. It say in the description that it's a roleplay. If you're still too stupid to understand, that means she agreed to him doing this. Fuck.
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): I like when she say no daddy no no no. Good stuff she from the midwest I bet
(That Wall Doe @ Canada 2 years ago): Whoever painted the wall should be shot for managing to paint half the windowsill with it .
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): This looked painful. No lubrication at all
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): This is ra*
(Hmm @ Ireland 2 years ago): "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
(person @ USA 2 years ago): i wanna be fucked like this
(Grippybaby69 @ USA 2 years ago): He tired of tht wack pūssy lmao
(Johnny law @ USA 2 years ago): Yea stop fucking her ass an clean your fuckin room you bum
(Ass? What ass? @ Netherlands 2 years ago): What ass?
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Jesus fuck clean that nasty ass room before you start making this trailer park porn bulllshit. Gross.
(Lmaoo @ USA 2 years ago): They got bed bugs folks got bites all on his legs dirty ass room
(Mason Greenwood @ United Kingdom 2 years ago): Love this
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): They ain't living right
(Lol @ USA 2 years ago): “Daddy stop fucking my ass”
“Why you always gotta fuck my ass”
(Your name @ Canada 2 years ago): Post nut clarity hits hard
(Dumb @ United Kingdom 2 years ago): White girl chooses one the only black dudes with a white dude dick. Also sort out the track marks they look like the next vid goin be “crack head makes quick $5”
(Captcha4porn?? @ USA 2 years ago): Cant be real that prolly isnt evem her real father
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): serves her dumb ass right lol
(Rob @ USA 2 years ago): I bet her actual daddy is SO proud
(steve @ USA 2 years ago): what the hell does that dude have all over him? mofo got the chicken from fucking so much ass.ass is ass to him probably see him in a backlot smoking the glass dick fucking some dude.
(huh @ USA 2 years ago): mf slapping bones
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Listen, I got off. It was obviously role-play. But this dude is uncoordinated as fuck!
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): I can see you through your windows
(Nasty @ USA 2 years ago): Hello clearly this is her boyfriend and they make these videos like this. Maybe click the other videos so you see. I don't wanna be looking at no R word this consented and actually hot! Dudes speckled ass is cute
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): That was a non lubed, std poxxed small dick, I threw up a bit....
(Stink star @ USA 2 years ago): I think he twisted her colon with his worm.
(Kandi @ United Kingdom 2 years ago): Eww, what is wrong with him. He looks diseased.
(Didn't cum @ USA 2 years ago): Didn't cum
(person @ USA 2 years ago): this is hot af
(lol @ USA 2 years ago): it loses if appeal when you miss the hole 5 times
(I don't wanna be that guy but @ USA 2 years ago): I've seen a cupple of these videos and would think they would be so much better with out him
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Real cock are not limp like his..
(Milf Momma @ USA 2 years ago): If y’all look at their other videos, this isn’t rpe, this is just for the kinks…
(Milf Momma @ USA 2 years ago): I keep coming back to this video and cuming within the 1st 1:45 seconds
(lolita654 @ USA 2 years ago): I'm a gay do you want to fuck me
(Not wet enough @ USA 2 years ago): Booty to dry for me
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): He tells her to keep saying no after they change camera angles. It’s staged which is a good thing!
(Bigtittybitch @ Canada 2 years ago): Thats m* ethed up. Wrap it up if you're gonna let a custy f**k u . Sick
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Meth head in the making
(Ur mom @ USA 2 years ago): I’m sorry but her ass is flat like a pancake
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): By a niger nasty as tainted meat.
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): It's better when it's muted.
(NABBING sex traffickers TODAY @ USA 2 years ago): Looks like she’s being held as a sex slave! #FBI GET THIS POS #IIIegal #Criminal #HOMELANDSecurity
(Anonymous @ Canada 2 years ago): Must have been something he learnt in jail. In the shower. By Tiny.
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Her real name’s Bianca and she’s from Colorado….it’s been years but this def the girl I use to fuck from time to time…not too surprised this where she ended up and this how she look…SMH
(Dr. @ USA 2 years ago): Eww he has HIV. The marks on his legs. Yuck!
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): No way y’all think this is real…. It’s 100% role-play
(Ha ha ha @ USA 2 years ago): Damn I don’t know who has a smaller ass. Damn they couldn’t clean up? The dirty background I could stop looking at. ️
(Hitler @ USA 2 years ago): He def did crack thats why it look like he got chicken pox
(Doc @ Germany 2 years ago): Down at med schol they said when someone is using hiv meds side effect is they have spots on the lowers abnomen
(Him @ USA 2 years ago): He fucking his action
(Mr k @ USA 1 month ago): She'll be pregnant with three and no baby daddy on welfare by next week
(Bdb @ USA 1 year ago): Amazing, how much dick there is
(Tommy T SMU @ USA 2 years ago): THATS MY BOY
(Need to fuck some tight pussy @ USA 2 years ago): Come fuck me
(Sick @ USA 2 years ago): He’s the type to fuck animals
(Anonymous @ Argentina 2 years ago): Ugly ass legs
(Jayden @ USA 2 years ago): Why we Always see this guy ass dimples on the side
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): he’s literally gay af LMFAOOOO
(Bigduck @ USA 2 years ago): So wait how old are y’all
(Dud @ France 2 years ago): I think porn can destroy mind of ppl becarfull with that
(Logic @ USA 2 years ago): I’ve seen better acting in a debate field tournament
(Cumdump fag @ USA 2 years ago): Wish someone can fuck and dominate my fiance like this
(Huh?? @ USA 2 years ago): Are those track marks on his legs? Definitely from some kind of needle use. Ugh. Turn off.
(Adam @ Poland 2 years ago): Good anal
(Anonymous @ Canada 2 years ago): She could take bigger
(Sir your track marks @ USA 2 years ago): We know what it is
(Nunya @ USA 2 years ago): Bro has bed bugs look at all thos bites lol
(iammoiji @ USA 2 years ago): This sucks: my Instagram is iammoiji
(SxS @ New Zealand 2 years ago): Fail
(Sex @ Canada 2 years ago): Hey
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): This is fucking disgusting
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): She needs to shut up daddy stop how fake.
(Screw you @ USA 2 years ago): I love it when bitches get r*ped
(Dickhead @ USA 2 years ago): Bro gotta be gay, he stuck it in the ass
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): He’s a nasty dicked mother fucker with ticks and chiggers on his legs. Stay out of the woods, bro.
(Pubg player @ USA 2 years ago): Does anyone here play pubg?
(I watch porn for Living @ USA 2 years ago): My wife fucked my ass
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Homie out here tryna raw dog her through the ass….
(Patricio Agurto @ Germany 2 years ago): I have a lot of homemade videos. If you want I pass you. Write to me at my email: [email protected] or to my facebook: pato.agurto1 Just write, ¨Pato¨ and I pass you all the videos.
(Anonymous @ Canada 2 years ago): this looks like ra**
(Anonymous @ USA 7 months ago): Mmm he look like he smell musky
(Anonymous @ USA 12 months ago): Home boy is limp dicked and can’t keep it in for more than 20 pumps. Neither of them know how to fuck. I looked up a few of their videos to make sure and it’s all trash. Then I see this one and this is the worst yet. Also if you get off to a girl saying no, stop, and crying, you should be exec uted like all r****ts. I know the vid is staged but if that behavior gets you off you’re sick in the head.
(Anonymous @ USA 1 year ago): She didn’t even try to stop it
(Ta jodio @ USA 1 year ago): That was made to get fucked just like that and fill her sweet ass with cum til it drips out. Well done
(.-. @ USA 1 year ago): Not my proudest fap
(Anonymous @ Romania 1 year ago): Nice one
(tumky @ USA 1 year ago): fuck that dude is gay he's fucking
(norway @ Norway 2 years ago): The girl is an horrible actor :P hehe xD isn't r... if the girl accepted to the actions before video started recorded :) and also.. if she mean stop from the beginning, why is she tuching herself? and also using her hands to hold her up :P
(Pascal @ Lebanon 2 years ago): Go harder
(dead nuts 46 @ USA 2 years ago): Bro she is calling him daddy
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Black dicks are so wierd looking. Like wtf is wrong with the D this mf got half a McDonalds arch
(Insane @ USA 2 years ago): This looks like she needs rescuing! #FBI
(SMH @ USA 2 years ago): Stop mean no . Big turn off . Loser
(Dumslut @ USA 2 years ago): I pray I can be her
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): So she’s messed up. He’s probably messed up. It’s just straight gr@pe. This ain’t it.
(Gfv @ France 2 years ago): This is completly wrong, u guys are sick!!
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): Yeah bro no it sounds like she was fr at some points nd ima female bro that s**t ain't always nice especially dry like that was that s**t really hurts get fucked in y'all asses nd see her it feels sickos
(Rat @ USA 2 years ago): This is not right because if she didn’t like it she would have did something about it not just stand there and when he took it out she was still standing there
(Beefy cunt @ USA 2 years ago): The smell was horrible. That definitely was not a BBC. My cock‘s longer than that so I guess I have a WBC. When me and your mom did this she wanted her grandma to watch so she smoked crack and we got bit by chiggers and got chickenpox all down our legs and On our ass cheeks
(No.... @ Netherlands 2 years ago): Why do black guys use white as ho's.....
They always threat the white gitls bad...
F*ck you ***
(Grimlock @ Australia 2 years ago): She knows that every time she says stop it just brings us closer to cumming
(Anonymous @ Canada 2 years ago): It's disgusting to call the one who f**k you "daddy". So turned off
(ofc @ Netherlands 2 years ago): ofc by a black dude
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): I like the part when she said stop
(I need one @ USA 2 years ago): I need me a sex slave like that
(LOL @ USA 2 years ago): You can tell she's high makes me laugh when she asks why he always want to fuck her in the ass. To stupid to realize it's a dominating thing.
(Lucifer @ USA 2 years ago): Lucifer yeah that a good watch and I wish for him to fuck my ass instead of this little girl. He’s a fucking asshole hehehe well maybe see him later? Idk I’m in a good mood I just jerk off
(White Dad @ USA 2 years ago): Mix breeding pig
(ªªª @ Spain 2 years ago): Estos videos ya no se ven porque los borraron todos lokurote
(Ness @ France 2 years ago): Ça doit faire mal
(I find this to be @ USA 2 years ago): Coooooooorrrrrnnnnnyyyyy
(precoce @ USA 2 years ago): Negão nem sabe comer a menina, mó cabaço
(Jessica @ Argentina 2 years ago): 385 584-7452 hablen bbs
(Lucy @ Colombia 1 year ago): Me encanta que me la metan asi
(Jessica @ Argentina 2 years ago): +54 9 385 584-7452 manden bbs
(deeeeeeeeeeeeam @ USA 2 years ago): Deeeeeeeeeeeeam