My Wife Refused To Give Me Her Anal So I Fucked Her Alt Friend Instead HD

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There are 4 comments on the topic:"My Wife Refused To Give Me Her Anal So I Fucked Her Alt Friend Instead"

(Anonymous @ Germany 8 months ago):

Red Bitch is amazing at Anal. She sounds lil bit like a Squirrel & sucks right like that...but her Anal Action fit that Problem ;)

(Amy @ USA 1 month ago):

Dunno why wife wouldn't take her husband up the ass he got nice dick for anal. Long not to thick won't do real damage as far as ripping the colon lining but can dig deep up in there hitting pleasure spots.

(Bob @ USA 1 month ago):

Any man that wants anal, is no man.
Men don't treat women like their Boyfriend.
Women have two perfectly good places to fuck, her poopie hole isn't one of them !

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