Teen Slut Gets Pregnant HD

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There are 26 comments on the topic:"Teen Slut Gets Pregnant"

(Hotandyoung @ Mars 12 years ago):

Does anyone what want to get my pregnant I'm young and hot

(rofl @ Mars 8 years ago):

8 months later

(Alicia @ Mars 9 years ago):

Lol the ending was funny...

(nano @ Mars 9 years ago):

Hot and young I'll breed u sure

(dilldo @ Mars 14 years ago):

lol this is what they should show in sex ed

(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago):

Her name is Mimi Allen

(Ghosta @ Mars 11 years ago):

I have known girls like her, pity the guy didn't have a bigger, louder orgasm inside her.

(sandal boy @ Mars 11 years ago):

if she smoked after I knocked her up - I'd bitch slap her with my flipflops

(W.T.F @ Mars 12 years ago):

YOLO BITCH choose wisley

(Quanecia anthony @ Mars 13 years ago):

This girl is a real dirty sluty bitch cause who would bring home a complete stranger and fuck him and they dont have any condoms

(Bash @ Mars 14 years ago):

His friends call him Commando cos he can't afford any underwear!

(Anonymous @ USA 11 months ago):

I want a man to fuck my pussy and cum inside

(InfoS @ Mars 12 years ago):

smoking is not good for a baby

(man @ Mars 13 years ago):

what is her name?!

(wow? @ Mars 13 years ago):

wtf epic major fail her fucking "baby" is about to fall on the ground!

(LOL @ Mars 13 years ago):

LOL that failed because he boobs were magicly bigger and her "pregnant belly" was to far down! EPIC FAIL

(cutter @ Mars 14 years ago):

that was fast. at that rate she suppose to have the baby in five days time.

(cutter @ Mars 14 years ago):

at that rate she suppose to have the five days time.

(woah @ Mars 14 years ago):

even though its fake...nobody notices that shes SMOKING?!?!

(adsf @ Mars 14 years ago):

lol the ending was funny

(... @ Mars 14 years ago):

You're idiots if you think that was real

(lol @ Mars 15 years ago):

wow wat a dumb bitch he probably did it cause he wanted her to get pregnant

(sid waddell @ Mars 15 years ago):

enjoy the baby bitch

(daddy @ Mars 15 years ago):

i wanna cum

(wtf @ Mars 15 years ago):

ending was wack as hell

(full vid @ Mars 9 years ago):

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