Huge Cock Fucks Chubby Ass HD

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There are 171 comments on the topic:"Huge Cock Fucks Chubby Ass"

(Biddick75 @ USA 5 years ago):

Why click on the video in order to leave a hateful comment. All of you look stupid, you see what title is. Don't like. Don't watch. Everyone needs some Black Cock, they might not know it yet. DAMN HATERS!

(bp35 @ Mars 8 years ago):

Shit fuck what y'all talking about that look like some good ass sex You see how clean and deep that butt was? Plus he suck dick like he drinking a thick milkshake. I would let that punk work on me any day. Mos guys would just not gonna say it. That fag can please a dick.

(cumlater @ Mars 9 years ago):

Dick rock hard right now... love fat white ass

(BootyFiend @ USA 3 years ago):

Anyone know who the big guy is? I desperately want him to sit on my face...

(Sexy as FUCK @ USA 5 years ago):

FUCK all y’all hating ass cunts. This video is hot

(Samy @ USA 4 years ago):

It’s funny how people judge the big guy, clearly the black dude is enjoying him. I’m sure people in general have hooked up with others that petty queens and woman think well why the fuck is he getting all that not me. Bitches get over yourselves whom people decide to fuck don’t concern you it’s either enjoy the show or get the fuck out simple as that cause point is the scene is done and clearly this dude loves em thick.

(cris @ Mars 9 years ago):

im a big guy myself, and i love watching BBC videos.. with girls most of the time and men other times.. an to imagine walking up to the big throbbing black cock and taking it in his mouth is empowering i wish i could have this

(I dont understand @ Mars 9 years ago):

Why the hell do homophobes and people that say nasty click on a video like this, if your gay come out the closet already stop pretending , cause when you click on a gay video suprise your gay for watching it

(eddy 5 @ Mars 8 years ago):

nice black dick

(Heather @ Mars 9 years ago):

Yeah, the world is coming to an end because of assholes like some of the people in the comments. Don't like it? Don't click it. Don't be rude either. Just leave

(Lol @ Mars 9 years ago):

Hairy fat dude was loving that bbc.

(Daaaammn @ USA 3 years ago):

Fuckkkkk I'm so hard and horny for that big fat ass

(Anonymous @ USA 9 months ago):

I wanna fuck that big hairy guy so good

(IC319 @ USA 10 months ago):

At 15:00 that's a nice butt spread! That boy is a real dick pleaser. Guys act like they wouldn't go lol that's going to be better then most pussy. I love a chubby submissive guy! No sex like it..

(O_O @ Mars 9 years ago):

Danny DeVito does porn?

(Ibrahim Saham @ Mars 9 years ago):

Like this shit

(Dez @ USA 8 months ago):

I know he got some good ass

(Str8t2Ass @ USA 2 years ago):

Im straight but met a dude working at the mall built just like this, I am gonna plow his shithole like my life depended on it

(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago):

I sure wouldn't mind plowing that dude. This is one of my favorite videos I love when he gets on top

(Yony @ USA 2 years ago):

All you guys cut the shit was the airy ass fat di name I wanna fuck him

(Aboood @ Mars 8 years ago):


(mmmm @ Mars 9 years ago):

yes but for porn bbc also can be used as big black cock also by the looks of things i'd say this guy gets banged by everyone in the neighborhood

(POPEYE @ Mars 9 years ago):


(Sen. Harry Reid @ Mars 9 years ago):

This might have been the worst thing I have ever seen....I loved it!

(That... @ Mars 9 years ago):

was... fucking... PERFECT!!!

(Men @ Mars 9 years ago):

Gotta love these annoying pos scream bloody murder when two men have sex but the like two woman having sex, men are literally fuckin stupid

(Holy hell... @ Mars 9 years ago):

That's sick.
As for the racists the black guy needs to fuck all of you considering all of you are pussies!

(Maintenance Advisor @ Mars 9 years ago):

Changing your spark plugs, belts and oil at the correct recommended times could significantly prolong engine life.

(Fatty Magee @ Mars 9 years ago):

"Honey I'm home"

(Lala @ Mars 9 years ago):

Big black cock =bbc they fuck anything with a hole

(chubaca @ Mars 9 years ago):

Chubaca looking mother fucker

(Johnny Cakes @ Mars 9 years ago):

That's a real shame what happened to Dave Chappelle. Bless his heart.

(I cant @ Mars 9 years ago):

omg. I just had to watch. what's wrong with me

(American? @ Mars 9 years ago):

They're not American you stupid fuck.

(DISGUSTING @ Mars 9 years ago):

Are you fucking kidding me?

(Joe b @ USA 7 months ago):

I wish I can find a bbc to fuck my chubby ass with no mercy. Hit me up

(Bussy Hunter @ USA 7 months ago):

Bruh, bust me off a piece of that,. I want his juices dripping and running down from my huge cock,. And balls. I'll ask for seconds and still lick and suck that beautiful plate clean mmmm... I would love to put him in a sling,. Missionary look him in the eyes while I shove it in real slow. I would fill his stomach up with my man batter.

(Anonymous @ USA 8 months ago):

I wanna suck his solf toes and lick his souls

(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago):

Makes sense, big ass for a big cock, I am getting hard

(Jimmy @ USA 2 years ago):


(JEL @ USA 2 years ago):

wish they kissed more but still a hot video

(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago):

Fucking idiots you knew it was gay when you clicked it. That big boy is HOT!!

(Mommas boy @ USA 2 years ago):

Perfect fluffy ! By pagan rite!

(Jimmy @ USA 3 years ago):

That looks like it feels like heaven.

(Jimmy @ USA 3 years ago):

Now thats a glory hole! 50/10. Would nut again.

(porky @ Mars 9 years ago):

that cock looks so good yumyumyum

(Cute @ Mars 9 years ago):

So hot

(Woo @ Mars 9 years ago):

Lil black dude needs a sandwich.

(What I see? @ Mars 9 years ago):

I ain't gay but I was curious now I go back to my ass fucking girl porn

(Captians log @ Mars 9 years ago):

The year 2015 people still racist and homophobs, religious dip shits still exist

(HoraceRider @ Mars 9 years ago):

Queers leading the march toward racial harmony. Get over it racists and homophobes. You're wall little wimpering pussies. These aer real men having real sex. And just think, if that fat guy ever got rid of all the extra blubber he's hauling around he'd have a 10" cock. Half of it is wasted getting from where its atached out to the edge of the belly. I love it when fat guys fuck me. They have to take little short strokes and they sweat all over me.

(T-Bone @ Mars 9 years ago):

Why is he wearing a sweater?

(LOLL OMG SO FUNNY @ Mars 9 years ago):

19:03 ONWARDS ....LOL

(LOLLL @ Mars 9 years ago):

18:53 AND 19:03 ....LOLLL

(wtf @ Mars 9 years ago):

Yeah talk shit but you love that don't be jealous that the fat guys
Take big black donkey

(Shiftfuck it's you riding blac @ Mars 9 years ago):

17:03 he got nice viginal. 18:33 was even better to watch and 19:40 to 21:00 was enjoyable.. The fat boy had great time.. Only Black man can go throught that meat...lolz

(This @ Mars 9 years ago):

Guy reminds of the guy Rene from storage wars

(WTFLMAO @ Mars 9 years ago):

MY EYES OMFG STOP! Btw, you racists need an education... your grammar is atrocious. Making your own race look stupid.

(jesus christ @ Mars 9 years ago):

This you reoccurring virgin loser in here that will never will ever get laid LMAO

(dead @ Mars 9 years ago):

This has just made me end my life

(Thumbnail @ Mars 9 years ago):

It looks like the fat guy is shitting out the other guy in the thumbnail XDDD

(wtf? @ Mars 9 years ago):

is that horatio from snl?

(Anonymous @ Mars 9 years ago):

Lol not gay but this popped up on home page and I just had to watch it for jokes ahahahahaah that's the fat ugly fuck who always bangs rockets.

(did they make @ Mars 9 years ago):

How much money ?

(I'm dying xD @ Mars 9 years ago):

Haha omg this shit should be on I funny! XD

(DAMN IT MAN @ Mars 9 years ago):


(nonya @ Mars 9 years ago):

dammit man!! XD

(lol @ Mars 9 years ago):

looked like a fuckin 10 foot samsquantch

(Mr. Lahey @ Mars 9 years ago):


(OLOLOLOLOLOLOL~ @ Mars 9 years ago):


(Daisy @ Mars 9 years ago):

Chubby guys need some fucking too at least he's getting paid

(Blind man now @ Mars 9 years ago):

What the fuck fuck fuck I'm now fucking blind fucking disgusting omfg gg life

(Maine @ Mars 9 years ago):

Wish I could get my fat ass fucked too. My is the same size lucky guy

(Adam @ Mars 9 years ago):

Yumm beautiful big ass, would eat that out all day, shame my cock is too small to even make it past those cheeks though

(BARF @ Mars 9 years ago):

wtf is wrong with people?!?

(why!!! @ Mars 9 years ago):

dear god, WHY?!

(FML!!!! @ Mars 9 years ago):

That is the most disturbing thing I have ever witnessed! I need to bleach my eyes

(the @ Mars 9 years ago):

world is coming to an end

(Well... @ Mars 9 years ago):

At least the music is good...

(blahh @ Mars 9 years ago):

Good god!! Somethings shouldn't be seen. Lol

(xxx @ Mars 9 years ago):


(lqqking @ Mars 9 years ago):

So hot

(Bubbles @ Mars 9 years ago):

Jesus, Randy...

(LOL @ Mars 9 years ago):

18:53 AND 19:03 ....LOLLL

(LOL @ Mars 9 years ago):

18:53 ....LOLLLLLLL

(no..just no.. @ Mars 9 years ago):

Well there goes my lunch..

(ewwwwww @ Mars 9 years ago):

Gross !!!!!

(concerned citizen @ Mars 9 years ago):

Looks like the most exercise he's had in quite some time.

(Whatthehell @ Mars 9 years ago):

I threw up in my mouth 20 seconds in

(Peepers @ Mars 9 years ago):

The man is made of jello.

(ATTIPOE CHARLES CROSBY @ Mars 9 years ago):


(Agreed @ Mars 9 years ago):

I think racist & non-racist can all agree that... THIS IS NASTY!!!!!

(No matter @ Mars 9 years ago):

It's not even that they are gay or different races it's that he just looks really gross

(Luky @ Mars 9 years ago):

Damn,wonder how much they paid the guy to lose his dignity

(ewww @ Mars 9 years ago):

I'm a bi girl but got curious. THIS Is Nast. Complete turn off. Eww so fat and sweaty and hairy and no sexy at all

(Promise @ Mars 9 years ago):

This isn't what gay people usually watch...just thought I'd throw that out there for the homophobes.

(Artem @ Russia 5 years ago):

Wtf!!!!!!!! HS!!!! Unsexy

(@lol @ Mars 9 years ago):

bbc stands for british broadcasting corporation. i didnt see any british tv on in this video

(Hmm @ Mars 9 years ago):

Why is the the hot gold man fucking the fat blue one? Couldn't he find something better?

(ha ha ha @ Mars 9 years ago):

you fucking gay pricks.

(wow @ Mars 9 years ago):

Worse porn visual ever

(Jesus @ Mars 9 years ago):

y'all mother fuckers need me this is disgusting!

(peter @ Poland 3 years ago):

i love his fat ass, i want to fuck him bad

(Fat boy porn @ Mars 8 years ago):

Shit, that fat motherfucker is in even worse shape than I am. How the fuck do I get into porn and get to suck and get fucked by beautiful black men? That shit would be my dream job.

(nasty @ Mars 9 years ago):

brothers will just fuck any fat ass that come along%uD83D%uDE21

(mmmm @ Mars 9 years ago):

lay off the fast food buddy

(that guy @ Mars 9 years ago):

Xnxx has a weird fanbase. 800k views. All of you can't say anything

(oh my god @ Mars 9 years ago):

the fat white fuck has a fucking small dick oh my god

(omg @ Mars 9 years ago):

how does he wipe his ass?

(A ashamed dentist @ Mars 9 years ago):

Poop dick shit fuck look at dem braces

(Potato salad @ Mars 9 years ago):

My dick just ripped itself off

(lol @ Mars 9 years ago):

dudes name is tay niggs

(Why... @ Mars 9 years ago):

I think my ducking childhood is over #15

(Wowww @ Mars 9 years ago):

The worlds worst video!

(This is filth @ Mars 9 years ago):

Im gay and I even find that gross.... made me lost my boner :/

(U need jesus @ Mars 9 years ago):

Im not religious pr anything but this is disgusting
Ya'll motherfuckers need jesus

(BOOOOOOO! @ Mars 9 years ago):

Why is this on the front page? This is an abomination. Upvote me to karma heaven if you agree, bitch.

(kill whitey @ Mars 9 years ago):

All white devils and nigs are gay. Fucking disgusting

(Grossed me out @ Mars 9 years ago):

This has legit ruined porn for me :(

(neo new age @ Mars 9 years ago):

My five year old thinks this video is hilarious.

(this shit is gay as fuck @ Mars 9 years ago):

Get this off my porn site

(Let's finish @ Mars 9 years ago):

We should continue what we started in the 1860's

(Icecube in Ice-T @ Mars 9 years ago):

Floyd Gayweather

(abcdefg @ Mars 9 years ago):

Please keep the pages separate. Nobody wants to see pics of this repulsive shit on the home page unless they are gay. Keep the pages separate for straight and gay people please!!!!!

(how @ Mars 9 years ago):

does he wipe his ass?

(Really @ Mars 9 years ago):

This was just plain nasty as fuck like this was two guys one bed also I'll be the first to say the bigger guy should be called BBM

(wow @ Mars 9 years ago):

This was the most random pairing I've ever come across wtf

(Chesus @ Mars 9 years ago):

I don't think I'll be able to fap again. My dick just ran off to the forest

(Death to gays @ Mars 9 years ago):

This is all kinds of fucked up. All participants should be burned alive!!!

(nena @ Mars 9 years ago):

Fucking gross

(MMA @ Mars 9 years ago):

Is that Anderson Silva %uD83D%uDE31

(Ryden @ Mars 9 years ago):

This is so fucked up man

(bruh @ Mars 9 years ago):

this just gave me cancer

(FUPA @ Mars 9 years ago):

I don't mind bears but this guys a cow. I had a FUPA once, it ruined the whole experience

(EEEHHH @ Mars 9 years ago):

Yuck !!!!

(WHY THE FUCK WHY THE FUCK WHY @ Mars 9 years ago):

I guess it's true, black guys really will fuck anything.

(DrVa5 @ Mars 9 years ago):

Ok, I'm done watching porn for life. I've seen too much.

(bill @ Mars 9 years ago):


(Mother humper @ Mars 9 years ago):

@HoraceRider we need to talk ;)

(Rosamel fierro fierro delgado @ Chile 2 years ago):

Que gordito más rico le metería toda toda mí verga yo amo los gorditos algún gordito Chileno que quiera que le metan la verga y gozar todo el rato mientras más gorditos mejor es más rico meterle toda la verga son una verdadera delicia sentir como entrá la verga en esas ricas nalgas que se gastan

(thiago boqueteiro @ Brazil 4 years ago):

eu queria tanto dar o meu rabinho

(Rodrigo @ Brazil 4 years ago):

Sou casado com mulher mais eu comia esse gordo e no mesmo tempo queria chupa essa rola preta

(Anonimo @ Brazil 4 years ago):

Que vontade de levar pirocada no rabo

(Neguinho @ Brazil 4 years ago):

O pinto dele é pequeno porque não usa, com a bunda grande assim era só brincando de esconde esconde e dar gostoso para os meninos

(Cu guloso por pau preto @ Brazil 3 years ago):

Que vontade de chupar e sentir o pau desse negro gostoso fodendo meu cúzinho.

(....... Skskk @ Peru 5 years ago):


(André @ Mars 7 years ago):

queria si fose com migo

(wha @ Mars 9 years ago):

pablo escobar?

(.huu @ Brazil 5 months ago):


(Papacu @ USA 1 year ago):

Gozei muito assistindo essa foda, os dois são Deliciosos, wueria fazer um trio com eles Tesäo.

(Anonymous @ Brazil 3 years ago):

Gozei gostoso

(Anônimo @ Brazil 4 years ago):


(Wtf @ Mars 9 years ago):


(Nope @ Mars 9 years ago):


(JUANLOCO @ Mars 9 years ago):


(Fart @ Mars 9 years ago):


(omg... @ Mars 9 years ago):

god damit

(Jaboticabal sp @ Brazil 2 years ago):

Alguém de Jaboticabal sp

(فحل @ Iraq 2 years ago):

ليش السمين عيره گصير ??

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