PornÔ FrancÊs - 1920 HD

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There are 12 comments on the topic:"PornÔ FrancÊs - 1920"

(Randy Lepper @ Mars 8 years ago):

Not much has changed in porn. Get two women and they inevitably go queer on each other. Hairy bushes in those days I guess men back then liked them that way. All corpses now long in the ground but they left us this.

(diana @ Belgium 5 years ago):

Look How nice without silicones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(wow @ Denmark 4 years ago):

this is the first porn thats ever made me feel sophisticated

(Windy City Bob @ USA 1 month ago):

This is better than a lot of the stuff produced today. Directing, filming, and story line was creative, but not outrageous. The servant doing the gay thing sort of surprised me. Usually male on male porn doesn't do anything for me, but this scene was not offensive. Gay men do father offspring and straight men sometimes do suck cock in a mixed couples at times. That has been known to happen, just not my scene. This video was a 10 out of 10 in my books.

(Xddd @ Ecuador 4 years ago):

¿Que se siente saber que te la jalas con gente que ya murió?

(Interesante @ Mexico 4 years ago):

Vaya, creía que la homosexualidad era muy penada en ese tiempo

(Papadopulos @ Ecuador 3 years ago):

No veo una mierda

(Walter @ Uruguay 1 week ago):

Ya había comenzado la 1era guerra. Y siendo francesas en ese tiempo esta con la vaina afeitada es muy raro. Pero esta bueno

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