Juguete Para Solteros HD

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There are 140 comments on the topic:"Juguete Para Solteros"

(john @ Mars 8 years ago):

damn where get one of them at and how much they cost?

(titi @ Mars 10 years ago):

Wher I can bay doll like that?

(Bill Gates @ Mars 10 years ago):

Would love that thing! Ithink it would be to heavy for me to move around.

(Dan @ Mars 13 years ago):

Man, if I had that doll, I'd fuck it all night :)

(YEAH @ Mars 13 years ago):

at last i can punch and choke the bitch while fucking her face ass and she wont fcall the cops on me yeah baby

(LOL @ Mars 13 years ago):

imagine someone seeing you dragging this 100LB thing around they may call the cops

(xaxa @ Mars 13 years ago):

forever alone!

(and by the way @ Mars 13 years ago):

there's no such thing as a white dude with a 13 inch wanker. Ron Jeremy is the biggest on record and he's a fucking jew.

(lol @ Mars 13 years ago):

that's kinda scary. her skin looks foamy

(The King @ Mars 13 years ago):

OAH! I want this sexy ass bitch!

(LOL @ Mars 13 years ago):

I want this doll.

(14 INCH MIDGET @ Mars 13 years ago):


(nice @ Mars 13 years ago):

me and my gf just got one of them and made it look just like her

(Josef @ Mars 13 years ago):

I want one....

(pervy @ Mars 13 years ago):

wow now thats a perfect woman no nagging just fucking!

(sum1 @ Mars 13 years ago):

pretty desperate if u need this

(Oh my god. @ Mars 13 years ago):

Cheaper alternate: This website.

(Fucking A @ Mars 13 years ago):

Creepy fucking face.

(mathys @ Mars 13 years ago):

this is only for very lonely boys, shame on you guys

(cumfacei @ Mars 13 years ago):

their assholes are nice too

(yaaawn @ Mars 13 years ago):

i must get one of those

(lol @ Mars 13 years ago):

it was actually made by asians XD

(bikitty @ Mars 13 years ago):

go find a fat whitey or fuck your niece

(MOOOOO @ Mars 13 years ago):


(Forever @ Mars 13 years ago):


(CHeck the Real Doll Website @ Mars 13 years ago):

this is the pussy with no drama me like it so much :) thumbs Up if you like it to

(ponyo @ Mars 13 years ago):

i want one!

(lolz @ Mars 13 years ago):

hey now that u could use for getting into the car pool lane lol

(Oh yeah @ Mars 13 years ago):

I would buy 2 of them nd cum in both of their pussies

(jimmy @ Mars 13 years ago):

what happen if you cum inside of it.

(fang @ Mars 13 years ago):

If only it could beg scream and cry

(Duh @ Mars 13 years ago):

OMG its the perfect woman... never talks back and never says no!

(okaaay. @ Mars 13 years ago):

I rather fuck my GF

(Wow @ Mars 13 years ago):

You som wierd fetish thing going on

(a1b2c3 @ Mars 13 years ago):

It just loks disturbing , I wouldn't be able to finish the job with that 'thing' looking like that...

(bakr @ Mars 13 years ago):


(OMG @ Mars 13 years ago):

she looks dead

(oh od @ Mars 13 years ago):

looks like jenifer aniston

(aha @ Mars 13 years ago):

botox and fat injection

(Hottie @ Mars 13 years ago):

Look here you jerk! If You could have a real woman you wouldnt even need that doll. And why are you arguing with me go fuck your cropse.

(wow...... @ Mars 13 years ago):

what a loser. You'd be better off having sex with a fat girl

(whahs @ Mars 13 years ago):

it looks so real

(haha @ Mars 13 years ago):

if u buy this u fully admit that u r done looking for any more real pussy...

(Miss Domina @ Mars 13 years ago):

I donno you guys, she looks like shes had too much botox. you know, real plastic-looking.

(d jizzy # 2 @ Mars 13 years ago):

that god i want to have that becuz it cant bitch at u if your doing it to hard and deep

(MEE @ Mars 13 years ago):

Actually i work out soo im built nd ugly soo fuck off hottie because ur prolly a fat bitch

(cali guy @ Mars 13 years ago):

yup i would buy and use u never know when u might neec it

(Ray33 @ Mars 13 years ago):

Hottie: you are such a stupid whore who will never understand a man's mind.. And even if you are not fat and ugly now (most probably you are) you will look l%u0131ke shit in a decade.. LOL! :)

(Hottie @ Mars 13 years ago):

Just fucking sad that many of ya'll can't go out here and find a real woman, probably cant get any pussy probably fat and ugly lol.

(umm @ Mars 13 years ago):

how do you clean it? you just nut in it and it's in there forever?

(nice @ Mars 13 years ago):

looks good for training some,before destorying your girlfriend!

(DODDSIE @ Mars 13 years ago):


(WhaWhaWha @ Mars 13 years ago):

I've encountered one. The tits felt more real than some of the surgically-enhanced real women I've dated. The pussy felt like a cheap fleshlight. The smell was attrocious. Never again.

(Eddie @ Mars 13 years ago):

I'd like to take her to dinner and a movie first.

(Damn! @ Mars 13 years ago):

It's like you're fucking a goddamn corpse. Weird.

(Doll fucker @ Mars 13 years ago):

I'd fuck the shit out of that thing! Don't like the huge boobs though...

($$$$ @ Mars 13 years ago):

must be like 4000 bucks

(Bla @ Mars 13 years ago):

Now stick a dildo into it. Universe implodes.

(awkward @ Mars 13 years ago):

its vary life like but it wud b kinda weird having sex with a doll

(goro @ Mars 13 years ago):

no doubt the girl is supppppppppper hot... bt didnt like the sound track....

(rtyu @ Mars 13 years ago):

a 3:18 you see its asshole so it looks to have one. The movie also says "3 working entry".

(fifafuck @ Mars 13 years ago):

yes lets fuck her lol

(qwerty @ Mars 13 years ago):

No asshole???

(parker @ Mars 13 years ago):

I like that.
Where can I buy one of these.
And how much

(Must @ Mars 13 years ago):

Be superheavy and can't hide it from your wife or your mom! XD

(lucker @ Mars 13 years ago):

play dead bitch

(it better @ Mars 13 years ago):

it better have an asshole

(wo2? @ Mars 13 years ago):

is it real?

(hot! @ Mars 13 years ago):

i would fuck one of these awesome sluts!

(lol @ Mars 13 years ago):


(better @ Mars 13 years ago):

better than a real grl ,lots of things you dont have to worry about -.-

(whoah @ Mars 13 years ago):

In my opinion, that thing is creepy as FUCK

(omg @ Mars 13 years ago):

I want one,,this way I am not cheating, and she will take it up the ass with no complaints. Ain't that right Sophie, ya dumb slut!

(abc @ Mars 13 years ago):

now that's businness.
fuck school ill build a factory of this dolls!

(Stefan @ Mars 13 years ago):

where can I buy this one? :)

(wtf @ Mars 13 years ago):

this is damn creep!

(russells sister @ Mars 13 years ago):

mom said stop cuming in my hair

(Caligula @ Mars 13 years ago):

fucking hot...

(buy? @ Mars 13 years ago):

where i can buy one?:D

(yasir @ Mars 13 years ago):

i want to see this hot video

(KOJAK @ Mars 13 years ago):


(venupillai @ Mars 13 years ago):


(pant booger @ Mars 13 years ago):

fuck it i would hit and and bring her in the mix with my wife and her friend so i could feel like a king!!!

(.... @ Mars 13 years ago):


(AuburnWA @ Mars 13 years ago):

whoa, didnt think i would see this when i thought of coming to this site, lol.

(sex @ Mars 13 years ago):

i want one of thoose

(jorge carranza @ Mars 13 years ago):

i so want to fuck you in your pusa and i a bj

(Well... @ Mars 13 years ago):

If you think about it, this doll is a lot cheaper in the long run...

(tchoutcghkou @ Mars 13 years ago):

Oh common guizes, that's just creepy ...

(ashley @ Mars 13 years ago):

"im confused why are people mad at this when girls have dildo's?" because girls dont have life sized dolls attached to their dildos.

(Stalker @ Mars 13 years ago):

That just wrong these guys should go to hell why can't you get a real women huh you guys r a bunch of bitches

(creepy @ Mars 13 years ago):

thats a freak

(wijaya @ Mars 13 years ago):

i wont to watch it

(NICE @ Mars 13 years ago):

How much does that thing weigh if it has an internal skeleton??

(Miguel @ Mars 13 years ago):

I'd love that someone gave me 1 of those as B-day present :D

(holahola @ Mars 13 years ago):

omg i want one too

(hunter @ Mars 13 years ago):

holy crap thats way cool

(seen it @ Mars 13 years ago):

yea they got a doll that resembles jesica simson and her vag replica...

(Ummm... @ Mars 13 years ago):

Thats freakin cool

(major woody @ Mars 13 years ago):

well she retails for around six grand,,i think id rather invest in a decent truck,,,:-)

(dfdesfed @ Mars 13 years ago):

wish I have one

(hehe @ Mars 13 years ago):

You really think that someone who would own a doll like this would actually get visitors? Just set it in a chair in the living room.

(Noob @ Mars 13 years ago):

But can it do anal? XD

(lawls @ Mars 13 years ago):

Where would you store something like this? XD

(pitiful @ Mars 13 years ago):


(Oooohhhh Yeah @ Mars 13 years ago):

can I order mine with cold sores?

(asd @ Mars 13 years ago):

youve gotta feel like a sick and dumb fuck if you have sex with this doll, plus it has a nasty vag

(lol @ Mars 13 years ago):

meat is better

(yeah @ Mars 13 years ago):

but can she make me a sandwich

(creepy eyes @ Mars 13 years ago):

I don't know how anyone could want to look into that doll's eyes while plowing it. Impressive handiwork, though.

(8Inches @ Mars 13 years ago):

Cool, I've just ordered 7 of them :D

(Wtf @ Mars 13 years ago):

Where do you keep that thing when other people are around.

(I cant wait @ Mars 13 years ago):

to introduce her to my parents!

(lacun @ Mars 13 years ago):

thats awesome!

(LOL @ Mars 13 years ago):

thats a hot doll

(jack the ripper @ Mars 13 years ago):

these things cost like 3 thousand dollars

(vvc @ Mars 13 years ago):

now thats a firm butt

(Pheonix @ Mars 13 years ago):

I saw this thing on J. Springer where this guy was convinced his mannequin was real and a person who he was in love with...trust that when u buy it, it'll prolly spend more time in ur closet...think about how much time u'll waste on upkeep of a fucking doll...

(heh @ Mars 13 years ago):

"they should make it so you can plug it in and it gets warm"
The dolls site says:
"This generation of dolls is equipped with a heating system which maintains an internal body temperature of 99.5 degrees Farenheit that permits realistic and unmatchable sensations."
You might buy one now =)

(tothecomentbelow @ Mars 13 years ago):

lol epic!

(LOLL @ Mars 13 years ago):

"I would drop some LSD and fuck the shit outta Sophie"

(bob @ Mars 13 years ago):

they should make it so you can plug it in and it gets warm

(Warp @ Mars 13 years ago):

Where can I buy one!!!!

(lol @ Mars 13 years ago):


(damn @ Mars 13 years ago):

great toy!

(HEYNICK. @ Mars 13 years ago):

People are made because guys want Pussy and when they cant get it they fuck things like this. IF Your a girl thy use dildos i dont know why any girl can get fucked.

(nick @ Mars 13 years ago):

im confused why are people mad at this when girls have dildo's?

(4 teh lulz @ Mars 13 years ago):

I would drop some LSD and fuck the shit outta Sophie

(that doll is sexy! @ Mars 13 years ago):

if i could meet the real version i would marry her. LOL

(SuperChode @ Mars 13 years ago):

I'ma Buy A Lot Of Them And Start A Whore House For Losers!

(lol @ Mars 13 years ago):

i dont care what you guys say, but i could get use to something that real fucking all the time

(omgwtflolz @ Mars 13 years ago):

arhahahahahaha this is so sad

(major woody @ Mars 14 years ago):

i dunno,,if i had six grand laying around,maybe id invest in one,,,not much of a conversation tho

(???? @ Mars 15 years ago):

if you actually talked to girls then you wouldn't own one of these...hahah

(like2cum24/7 @ Mars 15 years ago):

It actually looks like fun, but would get boring and how could you explain that to girls lol?

(mark @ Mars 13 years ago):

no comment

(cannibalcorpse.- @ Mars 13 years ago):

necrophilia? xD!!

(chulo ocampo @ Mars 13 years ago):

no me gusto so fuera un hombre me uviese gustado masssssssssssss

(ADF @ Mars 13 years ago):


(sonu @ Mars 13 years ago):


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