Bicycle Onani HD

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There are 120 comments on the topic:"Bicycle Onani"

(What a meme @ Mars 8 years ago):

We are number one but girl riding a dildo bicycle

(awesome @ Mars 8 years ago):

This is so incredibly hot, just a pity she wasn't turned around would love to seem them giant titties this would be great no matter your gender

(zach @ Mars 12 years ago):

must be a good way to exercise

(This mad me... @ Mars 12 years ago):

...think of the song by Queen called Bicycle Race. :D

(wow @ Mars 12 years ago):

so she gets fucked by workin out...great motivation for women

(curious female @ Mars 12 years ago):

Just realized how im gonna shed some weight

(Mamute @ Mars 8 years ago):

anyone know her bitch name??

(tom @ Mars 9 years ago):

i wanna lick the insert when she's done cumming

(so uncoordinated @ Mars 12 years ago):

cant fuck and ride a bike at the same time methinks

(Amirnawaz52 @ Mars 12 years ago):

Like biyecycle

(Ali @ Mars 12 years ago):

The only good thing she done is fucking her self

(Any nickname is fine @ Mars 12 years ago):

Bet you shes going to have some swole ass calves by the time she ever finishes...

(Derpy @ Mars 12 years ago):

Song is Vixen - Rev it up

(music @ Mars 12 years ago):

the music makes this video haha

(ifhbvvhfvk @ Mars 12 years ago):

i wont one of thoues

(roxy @ Mars 12 years ago):

she needs someone licking that asshole

(jkll @ Mars 12 years ago):

did you catch a glimpse of those tits?! they look good!

(wtf @ Mars 12 years ago):

the music.

(dang @ Mars 12 years ago):

really wanted to wank over this.. but its just too funny lol

(wow @ Mars 12 years ago):

did you catch a glimpse of those tits?! they look good!

(lol @ Mars 12 years ago):

Probably the only device women would actually use to exercise

(Horny chick @ Mars 12 years ago):

I want this bike!

(LOL @ Mars 12 years ago):


(Dissapointed @ Mars 12 years ago):

I was under the impression that this was anal. Still hot though

(PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT!! @ Mars 12 years ago):


(lol @ Mars 12 years ago):


(topdaterz @ Mars 12 years ago):

Stop advertising ur fucking website no one wants to pay. There's free porn here

(sarah @ Mars 12 years ago):

i couldn't stop thinking about this while riding my bike ... shut up and take my money

(Poopydick @ Mars 12 years ago):

I'd like to get right behind her and slide my well greased cock right up her puckered fudge hole.

(bahibbitat!! O: @ Mars 12 years ago):

I would ride my bike more often if it was like that ;)

(rambo @ Mars 12 years ago):

fuck this pepole are crazy

(bigdick @ Mars 12 years ago):

Shut up and take my money. I want that bike

(Jizzy @ Mars 12 years ago):

I might fall off of that.

(Benny72 @ Mars 12 years ago):

She needed to pedal faster

(Jonathan @ Mars 12 years ago):

How utterly ridiculous

(Pope @ Mars 12 years ago):

Lucky bike

(kodiak @ Mars 12 years ago):

#1 mom I want to meet you

(the song is called @ Mars 12 years ago):

rev it up by vixen. for all of you wondering

(JayMan @ Mars 12 years ago):

whats the song at 00:01?

(lol @ Mars 12 years ago):

what is this song?

(Buck Satan @ Mars 12 years ago):

This is shom good shit... You wont believe what some people will do for a couple of thousandses of dollerrzzzz.

(Worst mom @ Mars 12 years ago):

#1 Mom, you're the worst mom ever.

(WOW @ Mars 12 years ago):


(wow @ Mars 12 years ago):

wow what a technoogie i like it very muchh so fucking hot

(Lawlz @ Mars 12 years ago):

And that's how Americans exercise

(LOL @ Mars 12 years ago):

the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life

(It's the IT from South Park @ Mars 12 years ago):


(Lol @ Mars 12 years ago):

The music made this vid fucking hilarious

(harpo6957 @ Mars 12 years ago):

every girl should have one these bikes in there house

(derf @ Mars 12 years ago):

somebody is a south park fan?

(yellow @ Mars 13 years ago):

she has a nice ass

(anubis @ Mars 13 years ago):

LOOL give it aaalll u gottt!

(the dude @ Mars 13 years ago):

she must be a but her face

(LMAO @ Mars 13 years ago):


(LOL @ Mars 13 years ago):

now she regrets putting the bike in a high gear...

(#define ASS @ Mars 13 years ago):

I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like !

(jagdeesh @ Mars 13 years ago):

show me this video

(lisa @ Mars 13 years ago):

that would make me drive all day

(Ita @ Mars 13 years ago):

Who is the stupid who thinks girls like moving pedals while getting fucked????

(kayla @ Mars 13 years ago):

probably wouldn't leave the house ever.

(Haley @ Mars 13 years ago):

I need that I would be on it like a fly on shit

(Haha @ Mars 13 years ago):

Can you do a wheelie on it...

(ooooh @ Mars 13 years ago):

so that's what happen at the gym on girls night

(mrs gerisson @ Mars 13 years ago):

isnt that my bike ? they stolen my idea :D

(KERRY_J @ Mars 13 years ago):

If you're WIFE, GIRLFRIEND, FIANC'E, (Or what have ya.) Got, "THIS", (Sex byke.) STASHED AWAY somewhere, Then, SOMEBODY'Z, Not doin', TOO GOOD in the bedroom dept!

(KERRY_J @ Mars 13 years ago):

"THE NYMPHO BYKE!" Ladies An' Gentlemen. :

(hahaha @ Mars 13 years ago):

made my day, looks so odd

(beasty B @ Mars 13 years ago):

i thought my moms new bike looked weird turn out she had this one

(Lizzy @ Mars 13 years ago):

I would pedal so fucking fast ;)

(yeah @ Mars 13 years ago):

thats a rad bike. the song is Rev It Up by Vixen

(russell @ Mars 13 years ago):

any one know the song name?

(Debbie @ Mars 13 years ago):

to dude? so, you don't like your boyfriend sticking his finger up your ass hile he's blowing you? :D

(russell @ Mars 13 years ago):

great bike. and its great for bi sexual men to not only women

(justbrokeoutofjail @ Mars 13 years ago):

I saw someone riding one of these in the street!

(Dude @ Mars 13 years ago):

to debbie ? Then I think ur husband will be a gay :p

(HARDER @ Mars 13 years ago):


(Lisa @ Mars 13 years ago):

I wish they had these at my gym!

(franz @ Mars 13 years ago):

both ass and song ROCKS!!!!

(Debbie @ Mars 13 years ago):

to wedd: why only women?
My husband would love it

(wedd @ Mars 13 years ago):

every bike all over the world should be like that!
for women only of course!

(oeny @ Mars 13 years ago):

i wouldnt recomend it to men:P

(muhahah @ Mars 13 years ago):

lol, that's one heck of a bike. :D

(meeemooo @ Mars 13 years ago):


(wqwqq @ Mars 13 years ago):


(horny @ Mars 13 years ago):

very cool device *_*

(Geisha @ Mars 13 years ago):

I'd have an AMAZING bod if I had one of these babies. <3

(thebaronvonbadass @ Mars 13 years ago):

i could use one of these for my fat ass

(lolsiii @ Mars 13 years ago):

LOL music song and vid and the girl all kinda like 80's

(mmm... @ Mars 13 years ago):

Make it a dp bike with a vibrator attached to the front. :p~

(Is that? @ Mars 13 years ago):

Mr Garrison?

(andi @ Mars 13 years ago):

fucking makes you lose weight !!
proof !!!!

(Question @ Mars 13 years ago):

Who wants to smell the seat?

(John @ Mars 13 years ago):

Who ever made that ideal they should have it pattened

(... @ Mars 13 years ago):

it an ok vid.. the artist f the song is either Lita Ford or Vixen and im thinking the latter.

(LOL @ Mars 13 years ago):

THe music! lOL

(I'm cumming @ Mars 13 years ago):

Brings new meaning to fuck me running!!!

(lol good times @ Mars 13 years ago):

bitch better learn how to peddle a lot faster than that! Good shit though!

(jay @ Mars 13 years ago):

i love you

(hahaha @ Mars 13 years ago):

niceee i want one of those that when you peddle it sucks your dick

(wow! @ Mars 13 years ago):

I'm ROTFLing!!!

(bru @ Mars 13 years ago):

vvvvv LOL

(anonymous @ Mars 13 years ago):

if she was in a race, she'd come first.

(wtf @ Mars 13 years ago):

is up with that music?! talk about a cock block

(DERP @ Mars 13 years ago):

It's called masturbation, you retard, and if you're against it, chances are you're pretty bad in bed.

(almost @ Mars 13 years ago):

Lets see one on a motorcycle

(bitch` @ Mars 13 years ago):

loves riding that fake dick. Get a real willy!

(First @ Mars 13 years ago):


(vijay @ Mars 8 years ago):


(wtf @ Mars 11 years ago):

whats with the lame 1980s music???

(Kirsten @ Mars 12 years ago):

If that was a real bike I'd ride right off the road or into a car.

(buttfucker @ Mars 12 years ago):

The only thing missing in this video is me, fucking her up the ass while she 'rides' this stupid assed bike

(droooo @ Mars 8 years ago):

El nuevo entrenamiento para las vueltas a Espa

(loooooool @ Mars 12 years ago):


(saharukh @ Mars 13 years ago):


(Eli @ Mars 13 years ago):


(haha @ Mars 13 years ago):


(khorsheed @ Mars 13 years ago):


(lucio @ Mars 13 years ago):


(superjizz @ Mars 13 years ago):


(Sandeshsai @ Mars 8 years ago):

Beutiyful sexi

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