Andie Valentino Teen Cheerleader In Pantyhose! From Her Dvd 1941 HD

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There are 7 comments on the topic:"Andie Valentino Teen Cheerleader In Pantyhose! From Her Dvd 1941"

(lila @ Mars 13 years ago):

little bitch, i wanna fuck ur pussy though

(i agree @ Mars 13 years ago):

her voice is annoying, mute makes her nice and sexy.

(WOW @ Mars 14 years ago):

she's so up herself maybe shes the one not getting nothing cos she's gotta make these sad videis ROFL

(ROFL @ Mars 14 years ago):

I couldn't jerk to this... I WAS LAUGHING TOO HARD!
Imagine 40 year olds crying and jerking saying "so true :'("

(OMG @ Mars 14 years ago):

STFU whore

(joel @ Mars 14 years ago):

ugly and annoying. what is this shit? horrible video, take this down in 4 minutes.

(Sorry but @ Mars 15 years ago):

her voice is annoying.

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