Chubby Contortionist Wants Sex HD

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There are 13 comments on the topic:"Chubby Contortionist Wants Sex"

(joshuk @ Mars 7 years ago):

If this is chubby I give up on society the dumb as fuck media have brainwashed anyone now to have unrealistic expectations on healthy weights she is perfect to be classed as in shape nowadays you basically have to be anorexic and look unhealthy

(Fuck u @ United Kingdom 3 years ago):

How is she chubby? EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! Go fuck yourself if u think she’s chubby.

(Idkwhyimhere @ Mars 7 years ago):

She is not even close to being chubby??? Literally not a single roll even when she's bent around?

(Goddammit!!! @ Mars 8 years ago):

She's not chubby!
This is what happens when blind people are allowed use computers, and then watch & upload porn.
Handi-Capable my ass!

(Pol Pot @ Mars 8 years ago):

If that's your idea of chubby, maybe u should stop looking for girls at concetration camps

(dammmmmmmmn @ Mars 8 years ago):

She's good
In fact she's perfect

(Not even close, baby @ Mars 10 years ago):

Who told you this girl was chubby? They must not have had eyes.

(what? @ Mars 8 years ago):

if you think this is chubby go back to eating 3 meals a day u anorexic fuck

(Anyone know her name @ Mars 8 years ago):

Anyone know her name

(Fuck @ Mars 8 years ago):

She's amazing.

(Fatass @ Mars 7 years ago):

This is chubby you fat fucks. anorexic and healthy are much different so shut the fuck up. She's beautiful either way.

(jose alberto @ Mars 7 years ago):

Hola a todos como están tu casa que me cuenta de su vida y que cuando se

(Mc fuckerton @ Mars 7 years ago):


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