Huge Horsedick Deep In The Ass HD

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There are 172 comments on the topic:"Huge Horsedick Deep In The Ass"

(She @ Mars 8 years ago):

obviously loves what she does and that's what really sells me on this video. The joyous smile as she feels her insides scrambling all together and her asshole reaching entirely new heights of destruction. I would be honored to go shoulder deep inside of her. Go get it girl.

(Wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

I can't even take a normal size cock in my ass lol

(Fuck yea @ Mars 7 years ago):

I would suck her prolapse and fist her up to my elbow every night.. you prolapse lovers should search for hotkinkyjo she is so fuckin sexi

(Hahaha @ Mars 8 years ago):

Her asshole is going to look like a wizards sleeve

(Wyatt @ Canada 5 years ago):

She is perfect

(Thanks a second sicko @ Mars 7 years ago):

I just watched lara with horse and nutted within the second minute of da video

(World Record Association @ Mars 8 years ago):

Doesn't this count as a world record?

(anon @ Mars 8 years ago):

God she is so fucking hot. I want to marry her and fuck her in the ass every night.

(D12 @ Mars 7 years ago):

Too everyone who wants to marry her: she is going to be shitting everywhere uncontrollably for the rest of her life... hope you like waking up to poop in the bed

(Jesus fucking christ @ Czech Republic 5 years ago):

My dudes what the fuck is this? She literally ruined her ass forever! That thing is called a prolapse and it’s when your internal stuff comes out, bitch nah thats nasty af

(t&a @ Mars 8 years ago):

why not get something longer and push it all the way through out your mouth.

(dude3 @ Mars 8 years ago):

thank God I never ran into anyone this ruined, what little ego I have would have been destroyed. No man could give her the bone she is used to!

(Aussie @ Australia 5 years ago):

Now that's how women should take a huge dildo but preverably up their cunt.

(horny4u @ USA 5 years ago):

<3 'd it, ever try a real one

(Anonymous @ USA 5 years ago):

The noise is ear rape

(Thanks @ Mars 8 years ago):

Just got off to Lara with horse.

(drc8006 @ Mars 8 years ago):

My dreamgirl in the flesh.....

(roflcopter @ Mars 8 years ago):


(Lovely Rosebud @ Mars 8 years ago):

Kinky exhibitionist, I love kinky. There is no way that horse dildo would fit in my ass, but I'd suck your rosebud and enjoy having you fist my ass.

(W live @ Netherlands 5 years ago):

Would love to watch this live and cum on her

(this woman.. @ Mars 8 years ago):

is going to kill herself. Seriously. That cannot be good for you.

(forrealtho @ Mars 8 years ago):

she's gotta be doing some serious internal organ damage

(Unholly_013 @ USA 5 years ago):

Man, what s stupid cunt' :( Better save up your chat tokens hunny since you'll be wearing diapers for the rest of your fuckin life. Feel I should go open a gofundme for this poor girl..

(Lovely Rosebud @ Mars 8 years ago):

What fun we could have. Her ass and my fist.

(Wanna see some crazy shit @ Mars 8 years ago):

Look up lara with horse

(Probably @ Mars 8 years ago):

a democrat

(White boy @ USA 5 years ago):

She's awesome

(Canyon @ USA 5 years ago):

I love DGGs enthusiasm. I’m glad someone out there, besides me, is smiling while they’re doing extreme ass play.

(Bubba Gumps @ USA 5 years ago):

That is so fucken amazing I love it when something big goes up your ass it just feels absolutely crazy wild son

(Yealiltaypullroundthisdick @ USA 5 years ago):

Fuck im really discusted im also only 2 like if you are a fetus like me

(That is disgusting @ Mars 8 years ago):

She probably fucked up her intestines. I can't believe someone would willingly do that to themselves

(wtf @ Mars 8 years ago):

She fucking pink socked her self

(White people are @ Mars 8 years ago):


(CloutLord @ Mars 8 years ago):

Hell nahhhhhh. Shit mf disgusting on my life bruh.. Ugggghhh

(Next Stop @ Mars 8 years ago):

Fucking the mailbox post with the mailbox still attached

(Anyone know @ Mars 8 years ago):

Her name?

(roy @ Mars 7 years ago):

so nastyyyy

(perry @ Mars 8 years ago):

what the fuck is she nuts she is going to ruin herself for life when she gets older she is going to suffer! going to be wearing a diaper.

(all for some pennies... @ Mars 8 years ago):

She is so dumb, she is causing so much stress to internal organs, plus risking an internal bleeding or rupture with secondary effects.

(Maisonette_ @ Mars 8 years ago):

Damn she has some flat tits and her asshole came out yuck yuck yuck...

(Bruh @ USA 4 years ago):

You wasnt supposed to do that

(Dont do like that please...... @ India 4 years ago):

Take care of your health 1st..plz

(Rei @ USA 4 years ago):

How the hell can she do that

(nosmo king @ USA 4 years ago):

do you ever shit your pants ????

(Leigh @ Canada 5 years ago):

Obviously that tattoo didn’t hurt! All jokes aside. HOT HOT HOT.... By the way u wankers who say u don’t like prolapse ( u no who u r)!!!!!! U must like the or wouldn’t be watching what u r! Keep up the great work ladies!

(Maliyah @ USA 5 years ago):

Who has a big dick or is lesbian and wants to fuck a young teen

(Icr @ Mars 8 years ago):


(How @ Mars 8 years ago):

Is she doing this

(Caleb @ Mars 8 years ago):

And thus she had constipation for weeks. Shes also ready to travel because she has all her shit packed XD

(Jason @ Mars 8 years ago):

No thanks

(dave @ Mars 8 years ago):

Becky from accounting, is that you?

(Well now... @ Mars 8 years ago):

The good thing is that she has cleaned out her intenstines... she'll never shit normally again and have to wear diapers, but she has cleansed herself

(.3. @ Mars 8 years ago):

Her ass was turned inside out

(wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

would be fun to uhh... fuck her right in the pussy.

(Wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

I wonder if her room smells of nurf sponge, lube, and shit

(Woah @ Mars 8 years ago):

That bitch just pink socked herself with a smile.

(CALL 911! @ Mars 8 years ago):

Bitch, your asshole just fell out! GET HELP!

(I'm confused @ Mars 8 years ago):


(Wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

Adult diaper time.

(Welp @ Mars 8 years ago):

Anal prolapse folks. She forever ruined her asshole

(Niggalicious @ Mars 8 years ago):

She's gonna need a bigger dildo. To push her asshole back in. Wtf? After she took the faux horse cocktail out her asshole stuck out like a giant red turd. Better go get some depends undergarments

(Ok eww @ Mars 8 years ago):

That moment when she realizes she fucked up her asshole...and that liquid that came out blaaaah

(Bitch you have a prolapsed rec @ Mars 8 years ago):

Go to the fucking ER, and have it put back in, and never shove anything up your ass again your dumbass bimbo

(Why @ Mars 8 years ago):

Why would she do that

(unity @ Mars 8 years ago):

Tbe red thing at the end is called prolapse. Dont search it unless u dont wanna be a virgin 5o that anymore, cus tbh there is some shit u cannot unsee after searching that

(unity @ Mars 8 years ago):

Tbe red thing at the end is called prolapse. Dont search it unless u dont wanna be a virgin 5o that anymore, cus tbh there is some shit u cannot unsee after searching that

(Shibby @ Mars 8 years ago):

Looks like her butthole fell out

(Dat Bitch @ Mars 8 years ago):

Takes dumps that are four feet long, and six inches wide. Every time she takes a dump a demon gets its wings.

(What the fucking fuck @ Mars 8 years ago):

For the love of god

(Yoyo @ Mars 8 years ago):


(Dude wtf @ Mars 8 years ago):

The shit people do to get their jollies off smh

(Fatty @ Mars 8 years ago):

Damn bitch seriously

(Travis @ Mars 8 years ago):

I just love anal. Sexy anal. But this huge toy prolapse business is disturbing to me.

(Dafuq @ Mars 8 years ago):

Who gets off on this?!

(Wtf @ Mars 8 years ago):

Is that red thingy? Bruv, anyone that does this is a crackhead. She could have ruptured something inside. That was a foot inside her. I can never unsee that red thingy Jesus

(theDr. @ Mars 8 years ago):

This is very unhealthy.

(What the fuck is the red ball @ Mars 8 years ago):

What 2:00 to 2:10 what the fuck is this shit I wanna know?!

(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago): white hole grip my blk cock

(AllYallQuitFrontin @ Mars 8 years ago):

You fuckers are on the net, searchin porn, in private, then comment like you're watching this shit on a metro bus with everyone giving a fuck about if you actually like or don't like what you're CLICKING on....LMFAO...stfu already you clicked on the preview you know what you were lookin for yo dumbass fake fuckers

(Anonymous @ USA 1 year ago):

How the hell did she get such a big ass dildo what the fuck

(Anonymous @ Romania 3 years ago):

I would put my Dick in ur mouth so Hard babe

(Raven Barest @ USA 4 years ago):

Would Like to Have this Dildo.

(Jaddizle @ USA 5 years ago):

Her guts just fell out

(man @ Mars 7 years ago):

What is her name!!!! Please

(BERNIE FALONEY @ Mars 7 years ago):


(big dick @ Mars 8 years ago):

the fuck

(....... @ Mars 8 years ago):

Can't put laughing faces wtf hahahahaha

(Donald J Trump @ Mars 8 years ago):

She's a 4

(@well now @ Mars 8 years ago):

I don't know if she's been doing this for years

(@wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

No because that's gaped 2

(frank @ Mars 8 years ago):

there are better ways to deal with constipation

(Ppp @ Mars 8 years ago):

How bout a traffic cone

(gents @ Mars 8 years ago):

She took it to the next level bravo

(daaaaaaammmmmm @ Mars 8 years ago):

ok enough sex for this year!!!

(her face @ Mars 8 years ago):

is fucking demonic

(jia @ Mars 8 years ago):

she can even take a real horse dick ... should be animal porn star

(ew!!! @ Mars 8 years ago):

dats ware da poo poo coms out!!!!

(Omg @ Mars 8 years ago):

Where are I fuck you in your ass all day

(wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

That's one way to straighten your lower intestine

(holy fuck @ Mars 8 years ago):

So, is food just going to go into her mouth and immediately fall out of her ass now? This poor lady, when she sobers up from whatever drugs she's on, she's going to have to see a Dr.

(Piss off @ Mars 8 years ago):

No way that shit was real.

(God @ Mars 8 years ago):

Oh My God.

(damn it @ Mars 8 years ago):

I don't want to be white anymore

(Shit @ Mars 8 years ago):

Not my proudest fap

(wtf @ Mars 8 years ago):

she has a literal pile of dildos on her bed

(El chorizon @ Mars 8 years ago):

That bitch need a 2x4

(Obama @ Mars 8 years ago):

Her name's dirtygardengirl

(Wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

Talk about getting gutted like a fish

(wow @ Mars 8 years ago):

She's a beauty

(Joe barsley @ Mars 8 years ago):

I'm so stupid I use my own name when commenting on porn videos!

(The spine tickler @ Mars 8 years ago):

The spine tickler is based off of a mold of my dick!

(Wtaf @ Mars 8 years ago):

Nice rose

(Derek @ Mars 8 years ago):

Bloody amazing it love to ride her

(God @ Mars 8 years ago):

How many toys does she have holy

(Pantbooger @ Mars 8 years ago):

Omg that was fukn hawt!

(Lippy @ Mars 8 years ago):

❌ That asshole is ruined! Forever!

(Ogre @ Mars 8 years ago):

Omg, her poor asshole. This was almost hot. I hate pro lapse

(Wtf @ Mars 8 years ago):

Boner KILL especially at the end

(Well @ Mars 8 years ago):

Now I've seen everything

(Ewww @ Mars 8 years ago):

That girls gross for smiling the whole time like she did something good. The guy who asked for her name is disgusting retard as well. It did all make me laugh though not gonna lie lmao I laughed but now my penis is sad

(some guy @ Mars 8 years ago):

I realize my cock wouldn't please her at all but i would love to have some seriously nasty sex with her and fill her with cum over and over again

(Mr. SlippyFist @ Mars 8 years ago):

That's not her asshole well it is but it isn't. That's her large intestines or her guts pushing out of her body. Your large intestines ends at your asshole where doo-doo comes out of.

(Nnnn @ Mars 8 years ago):

Her name??!!

(Okay so... @ Mars 8 years ago):

That red thing is her asshole..... That is fucking disgusting I feel like throwing up

(bruhh @ Mars 8 years ago):

Who wants to see this I mean really?

(Doc @ Mars 8 years ago):

That's fucking CRAZY!

(Eugenn @ Russia 5 years ago):

what a woman’s stupidity is capable of. with the help of the government.

(D13 @ Mars 7 years ago):

She also literally turned her ass inside out

(Lol @ Mars 8 years ago):

People try everything huh LOL no chill

(#destroyed @ Mars 8 years ago):

This comment section is gold.

(Isnt there @ Mars 8 years ago):

a fucking max to a anus at some point?Because i legit think this dildo would pass in her fucking guts at the point she was if there was no max

(2-Win! @ Mars 8 years ago):

White-Girl'z!Fantasy all day about getting fucken with big-toys cause it's really fantasy-with-fucken a nigga-dick.

(Osama @ Mars 8 years ago):

"And thats what trump will do to america's Ass.
The republicans will end , finally. Thanks trump.
You the best."
Best comment I've read in a porn site.

(bill o rilley @ Mars 8 years ago):

And thats what trump will do to america's Ass.
The republicans will end , finally. Thanks trump.
You the best.

(Chikis @ Mars 8 years ago):

Ella está loca

(sophmarti @ Mars 7 years ago):

tant que le gode est souple cest que du plaisir!! le plus dur cest le premier tier ( comme les impots)

(el pejelagarto @ Mars 7 years ago):

que pepinoteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

(Anonymous @ France 2 years ago):

Sublime j'adore

(Samuel @ Mexico 4 years ago):

Un burro no le asé nd

(Raul @ Mexico 5 years ago):

A mi entra 44 cm y se siente rico

(Manauris @ Mars 8 years ago):

Dame tu whassattp

(Anonymous @ France 10 months ago):

Superbe performance anal quelle enculèe!

(holey fook @ Mars 8 years ago):


(lol @ Mars 8 years ago):


(Garena @ Dominican Republic 3 years ago):

Quien para pvp

(نفسي اصير زيهم @ Netherlands 5 years ago):

كيف دخل كل ذا ابي اتعلم

(مرحبا @ Lebanon 5 years ago):


(Jjbbhjj @ Mars 8 years ago):


(زوزي @ Iraq 3 years ago):

اويلي على العريضه كون اخلي اني وياج تنايج

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