My Best Fuck Ever HD

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There are 7 comments on the topic:"My Best Fuck Ever"

(MIlF LOVER @ Australia 3 years ago):

The great thing about this woman is that she doesn't look like a typical porn slut. She could be one of the moms in your neighbourhood. While she isn't stunning, she is sexy. If you were at a large party with your wife and she gave you 'the wink' to disappear together around the side of the house - you would definitely go and quickly make out and possibly have an affair on the side later. I've fucked many married/divorced women like her who are my wife's friends. It's a thrill. Never been caught

(Anonymous @ USA 2 months ago):

9:43-9:53, my good buddy now knows why I married my wife.

(Really @ Canada 1 year ago):

That cant be your best fuck ever cuz that was pretty lame

(Pj no1 @ United Kingdom 2 years ago):

Lisa is great. He should go down on here. She deserves some attention. I would love to be with her

(Michael knaus @ USA 3 years ago):

Come to Florida and suck a real cock

(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago):

That hairy dude is half chimpanzee!!! She’s WAY to hot to be with him.

(Porn Fanatic/Long FAT Dick @ USA 4 years ago):

What's her FULL name?

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