Slut Gets Her Throat Totally Damaged (extreme) HD
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There are 38 comments on the topic:"Slut Gets Her Throat Totally Damaged (extreme)"
(Joey D @ Mars 10 years ago):
The older I became the extremer the video's got. At this point this shit turns me on while the regular porn does It also but less. Fuck my life, need to stop this shit.
(aznlover @ Mars 14 years ago):
fuuuuck yes.
asian super cutie getting pissed on. wonderful.
i want this entire movie!!
(Barf @ Mars 10 years ago):
(What @ Mars 10 years ago):
It's fucked up but you watched it and prob jacked off to it like I did. She seems to enjoy getting fucked as well so there are no real losers in this situation.
(nizzz @ Mars 9 years ago):
where can I watch the full video of this..?
(fat old whore @ Mars 9 years ago):
I want some guys to do that to me!
(12345 @ Mars 7 years ago):
I don't think you understand this is fake all porn is fake they signed a release form so they can do this yes it is messed up but its fake
(John @ Mars 10 years ago):
Oh my god yes WAY TO MUCH people who like this are Just plain gross
(gunny @ Mars 9 years ago):
Ahh..those crazy yakuza, what will they think of next..
(Napster @ Mars 10 years ago):
The comments on shit like this are always hilarious and learn how to spell asshole
(just a man @ Mars 10 years ago):
I would have my pit bull.. Bite all your dick off.....ducking weakass pussys
(Papa Dragon @ Mars 10 years ago):
I did orgasm to this... I am not sure if I am going to walk away from this with out some mental trauma... But god damn... just god damn... When she was taking it in her throat like that... Just wow. Just... WOW... Great I guess if you are a sick and twisted bastard who wants to get off NOW and have been exposed to some of this previously... Later. I am off to go conquer an Alien Planet.
(Brian @ Mars 10 years ago):
known this to be the real fate of sluts who 'cheat'Known as the 12 apostles!Number 12 fucked by the aggrieved babe wearing a lethal barbed strap on Good job the cellar is sound proofed!
(how @ Mars 10 years ago):
(mari @ Mars 10 years ago):
That's too much!!! NASTYY!!!
(jjon the just and truth bairer @ Mars 11 years ago):
i love videos like this not cuz of the sexualniss in it buc cuz this is more truthh full about are eval sinfull natuer that lies inside us we all have a dakr side hiddin we hide at least this shows the truth of humanity are dark ide people paying oney to watch people ainfullly fucked and distroyed
(Tom_Steele @ Mars 11 years ago):
Calm down! If it i not your kink. These are very popular in Japan. I think "Dogma" do a great job producing the "M drug" series of videos. Recently the also included a lot of scat too!!!
(whaaaaat?!?! @ Mars 11 years ago):
This made me cringer. This is really disgusting.
(Cgg @ Mars 13 years ago):
Wtf guys this shit is beyond messed up
(vec @ Mars 13 years ago):
she fucking loved it
(aei @ Mars 13 years ago):
(wtf @ Mars 14 years ago):
lol !?
(Tin @ Mars 14 years ago):
This is the kind of shit that gives porn a bad name.
(mike @ Mars 14 years ago):
she is there for a reason, she needed it and she gotit good on her, very nice, sexy and perfect for her worthless ass
(fucker @ Mars 14 years ago):
i cant imagine that puke is really a tun on if you have it on your dick. and i dont think i ts right to do so. if it happens by accident then it happens but this is pure torure.
(i came hard @ Mars 14 years ago):
i came but this shit is sick, sucks to be her.
(fuckin gross @ Mars 14 years ago):
wtf is wrong with these people
(dirtybag @ Mars 14 years ago):
thats how you treat them
(fuck buddy @ Mars 14 years ago):
make that bitch suffer fuck her till she dies
(FAST FUCK @ Mars 14 years ago):
(eviloldperv @ Mars 9 years ago):
I loved watching this whore get used.I wish I had been there so she could have gagged and puked on my cock.I would have used it as lube and raped her ass then
(Typical @ Mars 10 years ago):
Thats all gooks are good for :D
(Not nice @ Mars 10 years ago):
The little slut was treated like an animal by the Jap bastards....Women are not treated nice in Japan anyway...
(jean keybee @ Mars 7 years ago):
Vraiment nice
(Bainy @ Mars 13 years ago):
So wie du? Ignoranter Idiot. Jeder hat nen anderen Geschmack.
(Rainy @ Mars 13 years ago):