There are 5 comments on the topic:"Angies Triple Squirt"
(pooslag @ Mars 14 years ago):
what a load of shite thats just piss.
(handy guy @ Mars 16 years ago):
i actually made my girlfriend squirt yesterday! :Prnshe actually thought she peed and was so emberresed but i was like OMG! YES! rnit was fucking awsome!
(Squirting_pussy_lover @ Mars 16 years ago):
wish my mouth was right there
(ACock @ Mars 16 years ago):
Angie has a tight squirting cunt.
(Tommo @ United Kingdom 8 months ago):
i would love to be sucking an nibbling her cliti an tongue fucking an sucking on her pusi when she squirts ummmm;) the wife does xx
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