Mggcdtcdoaoi2sqg HD

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There are 6 comments on the topic:"Mggcdtcdoaoi2sqg"

(Anonymous @ USA 5 years ago):

I don't want to sound like a hater or anything but how did he of of all niggas get her.

(Jade Wilson @ Mexico 1 year ago):

Her name is Mara Gomez, he's Colombian. A shame he's only able to fucking that fatso pig with small dick called bull or something like that, one day i offer her 20000 bucks to fly Colombia and fuck her all day long even night, but she didn't answer me, i how some day she answers me.

(Anonymous @ USA 5 years ago):

He has baby balls.

(Anonymous @ USA 5 years ago):

Shit so f'n fake is about to pop!

(Fact @ USA 5 years ago):

He paid

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