San Diego Street Meat 21 HD
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There are 31 comments on the topic:"San Diego Street Meat 21"
(scooter @ USA 5 years ago): She's not so hot looking, but I fucked way worse while I was in the Navy. Women on board ship were a rare commodity, and the men literally waited in line to have a go at some sloppy wet pussy.
(incubus92335 @ USA 4 years ago): First off why is she wearing her cover indoors and she looks way over the max weight limit
(Gunny Big dick @ USA 4 years ago): No damn wonder the navy is full of queers
(Colin @ United Kingdom 4 years ago): Rest of her may disappoint but those boobs are fantastic!
(MeXico420 @ USA 5 years ago): The things I'll do for my country
(Nope @ USA 5 years ago): I lost my boner she’s not attractive at all
(Sean Berna @ USA 4 years ago): I'm an officer in the Navy and not even I would fuck this girl. SeanGatorB
(Clit Commander @ USA 4 years ago): Your not the prettiest shipmate, but your titties are the ONLY thing I see that's on point!
(Rightinthepooper @ USA 5 years ago): Why is the red bull fridge empty!!!!
(Whiteboy @ USA 3 years ago): I wanna suck on her sexy tits
(Leigh @ United Kingdom 4 years ago): Who is she I'd like to see more
(No she didn’t @ USA 5 years ago): Nope, not even a correct uniform. The name and service tapes are all fucked up. So, no she didn’t get court martialed...fake as fuck! Nice try tho
(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago): She unleashed her WMD's an exposed her military secrets
(Stolen Valor @ USA 4 years ago): Uniform is more fucked than her
(Sean Gator B @ USA 4 years ago): Yikes. And this is coming from a naval officer / naval coach
(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago): I fuck her anytime... LOOK @ BIG TITS
(Zdog @ USA 1 month ago): Take her fat ass to the foc'sle or the Bos'n Hole and let all the deck apes pass her around like a cigarette at the smoking sponson
(Don't Tag with Bullshit! @ USA 7 months ago): Why was this tagged with anal? I always down vote deceptively tagged videos! Deceptive tagging makes it difficult to find what I'm looking for!
(Anonymous @ USA 2 years ago): This woman will claim Military Sexual Trama in the United States NAVY, if your not awake to her being a grown woman with zero IQ
(Sean Berna @ USA 4 years ago): I'm a naval officer / navy coach and I would never fuck this girl
(Anonymous @ USA 4 years ago): deployment goggles maybe
(Anonymous @ United Arab Emirates 5 years ago): Well she's ugly enough to be in the navy, but the uniform was wrong...
(Yeah eww @ USA 5 years ago): Yup nice tits but not thanks
(ftn brother @ USA 5 years ago): tyfys
(Anonymous @ USA 1 year ago): Yo la chupo como nunca la an chupado